Onyx and Raquel return to put an end to their feud, and this time they each have help. Jimmy the Gent (the ref from part 1 & 2) joins forces with Raquel as they take on Onyx and her vicious tag team partner Viper, the man who is determined on taking out the Gent who thanks to Viper and the help of his hired hitman Mark Reanes is going into this match with injured ribs. And if that wasn't bad enough, Mark Reanes returns as the referee. Will Gent and Raquel prevail? Will Onyx and Viper win and put a vicious end to the feud? Will Mark Reanes call the match fairly? What will happen to the company? That's right, 50% of the company is on the line. This is a high steaks match, winner takes all. The feud finally comes to an end. This is an action packed match, both teams hold nothing back, even a kendo stick is used. The action packed end to a 3 part series