Seamus O'Connell returns and he is looking to expand the clan in his further attempts at taking W.A.W. as his own. This time he has his sites set on recruiting Nicole Oring. Seamus makes her an offer that he hopes she won't refuse. But there is more to his master plan. Seamus has it in for Ariel X, he feels she didn't do a good job as ref earlier this year when he and Clan O'Connell's golden girl Mutiny squared off against two of Badstreet X-treme's members, and for that Seamus wants to get a little pay back and clean up W.A.W. and rid it of anyone he feels isn't doing their job. What begins as a knock down drag out between Ariel and Clan O'Connell's new hopeful recruit suddenly becomes a triple threat match, when the wild and crazy Axis Powers arrives on the scene. Axis isn't looking to beat Ariel, or Nicole, she's just out looking for a good fight as she continues to challenge herself and learn as she goes. What better way than jump into the middle of Clan O'Connell's business?