Status: Pro
Height: 5’8"
Weight: Unknown
Finishers: Diamondback DDT, Sidewinder Slam

Viper Videos

A Very Viper Christmas
Mixed Tag Mayhem
Onyx vs Stitch
Viper, founder of W.A.W. He recently stepped out from behind the scenes and into the ring. Making his first on camera debut during the Onyx vs Raquel rematch. He then stepped into the ring with Onyx to take on Jimmy the Gent and Raquel, in what is the 3rd action packed installment of the Onyx vs Raquel feud. Viper then took on Onyx in a mixed match, and refed a match with Onyx and Thunder. He has also proven to be extremely dangerous with his Diamond Back DDT, and even more so with his new Sidewinder Slam which he seems to be able to execute when his opponents least expect it.

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